Griffin Heroes
With the head of an eagle and the body of a lion, a Griffin is a symbol of enormous strength and vigor, symbolizing an ability to meet challenges head on.
Griffins always rise to the occasion, both in life and work.
If you or a fellow Griffin is making a difference during the COVID-19 Pandemic, submit your story and a photo to #GriffinHeroes
Allison Alejo ’20
Submitted on 4/27/20
I am a graduating senior in nursing at GMercyU. I currently work at Abington-Jefferson Hospital as a nurse assistant. I work on a medical-surgical unit that closed for a few weeks, and I worked on dedicated COVID units during that time.
However, we are still at risk for exposure now that my unit is open again. The workload definitely takes a toll on me as a graduating nurse, but I’m amazed by the support I receive from my GMercyU community. I appreciate all of the people who express love and gratitude to those of us working in all fields — healthcare, grocery/retail, restaurants, first responders, etc.
I continue to pray for everyone as we experience this pandemic. I would like to share this quote I read on social media the other day: “Strong alone, stronger together.” Thank you to my GMercyU family!
Jennifer Benson ’17
Criminal Justice
Submitted on 4/25/20
I currently dispatch police, fire and emergency medical services throughout Montgomery County! I answer the calls to people who are having the worst days of their lives and I help them the best way I can. I give medical instructions over the phone, if needed. I’ve saved a few lives by giving CPR instructions over the phone. I’m the calm voice on the other end of the phone making sure you know that you’re not alone.
Bill Beck ’13
Criminal Justice
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Bill is a member of the Philadelphia Police Department. Bill is an officer in the East Division Task Force, and is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus while completing his normal duties of keeping the residents of the city safe.
Madison Burkle ’19
Submitted on 4/27/20
I currently work as a registered nurse on a PCU unit, which has now become a partial Coronavirus floor. I love what I do. Nothing is more rewarding than helping someone through what could be the most difficult part of their lives.
Lillian Cancel ’22
Submitted 5/1/2020
I work as a CA/NA at Abington-Jefferson, I float around the hospital filling in for the staffing needs on every unit. I tested positive for COVID and have been out of work for the required time, but the time has come to go back to perform my duties. I am thankful that I was able to fully recover and get my clearance to return to do what I love most, taking care of those in need!
Aryn Cantagallo ’17
Submitted on 4/14/20
I graduated in 2017 with my BS in Radiology! I’m currently on the frontline, working as a CT Tech at Roxborough!
Nick Coan ’12
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Dr. Nick Coan is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus in Northern New Jersey. Nick works as a DO Medical Resident in the ICU/ER at Christ Hospital in Jersey City, NJ.
Matt Collins ’17
Criminal Justice
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Matt is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus in New Jersey. Matt works as a Patrolman with the Egg Harbor Township Police Department.
Micaela Coltellaro ’20
Submitted on 4/30/2020
Currently working as a Nurse Assistant at Cooper University Hospital
Lindsey Disalvia ’17
Submitted on 4/30/2020
I currently work at Abington Hospital and have been working in the ICU with COVID-19 patients, and various COVID units. I couldn’t be more proud to represent GMercyU as a former student during this time. I’m also so proud to be a nurse, and to be able to help these patients during this difficult time. Thank you to all the Griffin Heroes & all the amazing healthcare workers for being on the front lines!
Jordan Dzierzgowski ’19
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Jordan works as a registered nurse in the emergency department at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital in New Jersey. Jordan is a graduate of Washington Township High School and currently is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus in his hometown.
Giavanna Feinstein '19
Submitted on 4/30/2020
I'm currently at St Mary's in the ER, working as a patient access rep doing patient's registration and I’m around COVID patients all day. I'm also cross training in Maternity. A lot of people think it's OK to go out when they don't need to but it's really hurting everyone around them. Please wear a mask if you certainly have to go out. If you don't then please stay home, call older relatives if they need help so they don't have to go out.
Ashley French ’19
Submitted on 4/27/20
I currently work on a rehab unit in an older adult community. My half of the unit has been transformed into a designated COVID unit, where I help care for those infected almost every day.
Celia Gagliardi ’22
Submitted on 4/30/2020
Currently working as a Nurse Assistant at Jefferson Hospital in Washington Township, NJ.
Storm Gehrke ’17
Accounting/Criminal Justice
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Storm is currently on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus while completing his normal duties of keeping the residents of Kirkland, Washington safe. Storm works as a police officer with the Kirkland Police Department.
Amanda Goff ’18
Submitted on 4/27/20
Since graduating from GMecyU, I have been working at Inspira Medical Center in their (HIM) Health information management as a Medical Records / Documentations Specialist.
Katherine Hayton
Submitted on 11/2/2020
Fourth year at Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center as a nursing assistant! Part of the best Quaranteam!
Mike Henry ’12
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Mike is an Emergency Medicine Physicians Assistant at Chester County Hospital in Pennsylvania. Mike is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus.
Victoria Hercolini ’15
History, Education
Submitted on 4/28/20
Us teachers are doing everything we can to keep our kiddos learning, growing, and staying positive! We've had to completely change the way we teach, how we reach students, and supporting families at home.
My team at Austin Meehan MS in Northeast Philadelphia has done amazing things! We've made videos, used Google Meets, created a functioning class schedule and created an Instagram to give morning and afternoon announcements just to bring as much of the "school day" to our students.
Thank you to all #GriffinHeroes and workers keeping us all safe!
William Thomas Jeffrey ’84/’19
Submitted on 4/29/2020
Right now I am working a COVID-19 testing in a tent behind Nazareth Hospital. When outpatient procedures resume, I will be back inside doing short procedure/ENDO.
Benjamin Keliojor ’17
Criminal Justice
Submitted on 6/22/20
I am a patrol officer for the Philadelphia Housing Authority Police Department. I deal with shootings, burglaries and domestics on a daily. I don’t mind as long as I know I’m helping people or the community. Other than that, my job is really just being a counselor for people in tough situations and providing a deterrence for future criminal activity by patrolling hot zones and recent crime spots.
Jihan Latimer ’20
During COVID-19, I have been working on distributing my inspirational books to any audience who needs a pick me up. My books range from graphic novels to fiction novels. I am in the process of completing a Halloween book for middle schoolers for the Fall. My goal is to uplift any reader, and be a vessel for inspiration.
If anyone is in need of inspiration at this time, please do not hesitate to reach out.
The Tale Of Miss Berta London: "Recollections of Accomplishments"
Galactic Teens
Liam Malley ’14
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Liam is an Emergency Room Nurse at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California. Liam is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus.
Nicole Martin ’19
Submitted on 4/28/20
I am fighting the COVID-19 pandemic on the front lines from Jefferson Northeast Emergency Department as a Registered Nurse.
Ajia Mays ’19
Submitted on 4/29/2020
I’m currently working on a COVID-19 Unit. I never would have thought I would be a new grad (10 months in) working as a nurse in the middle of a pandemic.
Mckala Ottey ’20
Submitted on 4/24/20
I work at CVS and half of my coworkers quit or took family leave, which left the workload to the rest of us. I love my work and I love being able to help people, but it's hard seeing people breakdown because we're out of the things they need. It's hard seeing people argue over the last bottle of Lysol. It's hard being screamed at by customers all day for things out of your control. Honestly though, I wouldn't change it for anything. Someone needs to do it and I'm more than happy to. Bless those that are in the healthcare fields because just being in a pharmacy makes me lose my mind.
Tracie O’Brien-Petrowski ’04
I am a Corporal for the Philadelphia Police Department. I am currently assigned to Police Radio where my duties include supervising the 911 center and the Police dispatch room. During this pandemic, we are working diligently to ensure the citizens of Philadelphia can continue to contact emergency services and that Officers are able to safely respond in a timely manner.
Gabrielle Peel '21
Respiratory Care
Submitted on 5/15/20
Working in the ICU at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Kelli Stillwell ’19
Submitted on 4/24/20
I have been working as an operating room nurse in surgery since graduation. I was transferred from day shift to 12-hour nights in the ICU during the pandemic and that is where I remain until further notice. I am a COVID-19 warrior, GMercyU strong nurse!
Jessica ’17
Submitted on 4/24/20
I’m a GMercyU BSN 2017 graduate currently living and working in NYC on the front lines. ♥
Peter Pappas ’15
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Pete works as the Executive Director of Harborview Rehab and Care Center at Lansdale, where he manages the daily operations of a 126-bed skilled nursing facility. He is responsible for ensuring the safety of all staff and residents by developing a comprehensive infection control program designed to minimize the risk of the virus to the facility’s vulnerable population.
Anthony Pozsonyi ’19
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Anthony is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus in New Jersey. Anthony works as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department at Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus.
Albert Rementer ’17
Submitted on 4/15/20
Albert Rementer is a local DJ and has been DJing via Facebook Live in order to raise funds to donate food to local essential employees in South Philadelphia. For example, one week he asked his viewers/listeners to donate in order to raise funds to purchase food to send to our neighborhood ShopRite employees. He has been raising over hundreds of dollars in each session thus far.
Matthew Richter ’15
Criminal Justice
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Matt works as an Assets Protection Business Partner for Target. He handles all things theft/fraud and safety/security for 13 Target locations. As Target remains open as an essential retailer, the AP team is tasked with handling crowd control, metering, and keeping a safe and secure environment for their guests. They also support validation of the cleaning/sanitation process going on in the stores.
Zach Richter ‘12
Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax
Zach works at a facility that provides both short-term rehabilitation and long-term care which has him in direct contact with one of the most vulnerable populations during this pandemic. Zach’s role is Social Services in Long Term Care as a Resident Advocate. His caseload consists of residents who have persistent challenges with mental health that require non-pharmacological interventions and at times require him to initiate and coordinate transfers to inpatient behavioral health units.
He is a member of the Secured Memory Care Unit which consists of residents who have progressed end-stage Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease. Zach is currently involved in a study through Penn State University to coordinate care for residents who present with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.
Tim Smyth ’08
Submitted on 4/24/2020
I am currently working with the US State Department in a virtual exchange program. We are working with educators on every continent (except Antarctica), in impoverished areas. We are showing them how to increase student engagement and literacy skills through the use of comics!
We are showing how storytelling through comics can empower children around the world through our shared values of humanity. It’s been an amazing experience working alongside these educators who are also sharing about their struggles with quarantine and the global pandemic. It has really enforced that we are truly one world and we all share so much in common. Of course, I began my comics in education journey when earning my MS Reading Specialist degree at GMercyU. Forever grateful.
Ashley Conslavi Stankiewicz ’08
Submitted on 4/27/2020
I work full time for the Hospital of the University Pennsylvania in the Center for Human Phenomic Science. My unit conducts clinical trials and gives investigational drugs not yet approved by the FDA. Currently, we are conducting a clinical trial on Penn Medicine’s healthcare workers, looking to see if they are asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19.
I’m also am adjunct faculty / clinical instructor for GMercyU’s Accelerated BSN program at the Philadelphia campus for the past four years.
Julia Hennessey Trumball ’11/’13
Submitted on 4/24/2020
I'm currently working in the ER at Jefferson Methodist Hospital in South Philadelphia.
Kelsey Timte '19
Submitted on 5/17/20
Being a teacher during this time has it’s behind the scenes struggles. Our goal as educators is to provide lessons and engage students in activities that will help them grow as learners and citizens. With our world being flipped upside down and the classroom being turned into virtual sessions, I, along with my fellow coworkers, are working long, tiring hours to accommodate the students. Between GoogleMeet small group sessions, one-on-one sessions and endless meetings and planning we are providing all of our time to ensure each student is still learning and benefitting during this pandemic.
There’s also a sense of needing to create that safe environment virtually. I still post morning messages on my assignments and still provide check-ins and support. It’s been very hard being so far away from each other, but I know the work we continue to do will be impactful. Educators at my school also have the opportunity to work all summer long with a virtual program to help make sure the learning gap doesn’t widen. These strenuous hours are definitely worth it, but I’m counting down the days until I can see my kiddos again.
Ciara Vinson ’19
Submitted 5/18/20
Ciara is currently working at Waverly Heights, a senior living community.
Tiffani Noelle Wright
Submitted on 4/28/20
Being a new nurse was already a challenge within itself, however I am a proud Mercy Nurse! GMercyU has prepared me to face adversity as a nurse because every day is a new challenges, new patients, etc. I currently work in a large teaching hospital in the city as an operating room nurse but during this pandemic, I have been deployed in order to help with taking care of our patients that need it the most. I pray that we all stay strong during this time! Stay home and stay safe!
Jenna D’Arcy Zarilli ’12
Submitted on 4/24/2020
Since graduating from GMercyU, I have been working on a Surgical Intermediate Unit at Abington Jefferson Hospital. I had my first baby in November, a little boy Oliver. When I came back from maternity leave, I found out they turned my floor into a COVID floor.
With our patient ratios quickly rising to 4:1, we are scared and reusing N95 masks for seven shifts. It’s a very trying time for the staff and families of our unit. We are banding together as a work family and having each other’s back.
The days are long and very hard with no light in site. Tears are shed constantly. We are holding the hands of loved ones dying, holding tablets so families can FaceTime their loved one, staying in rooms longer then we would prefer because the patients have no one. If I can stress anything, it’s to stay home, practice social distancing and wash your hands!!